Please report urgently

If you see a dog or other animal that’s lost, hurt, chained up, stressed, starving, injured, neglected or abused – please complete the form below. Then we’ll organise a team or alert the authorities to see if the dog or animal requires rescuing or help.

There are serious offences contained in N.Z’s Animal Welfare Act about the welfare of all animals. It means people who are not looking after their animals properly may need to be spoken to and helped if necessary.

If there is suspected dog or other animal abuse, the authorities need to know immediately so make that call. All of us need to work together to stop the abuse because it’s not ok to hurt animals.

Call us if you see a dog (or other animal) that’s not being looked after or is in pain, injured, hurt, neglected or homeless so we can alert the authorities to check on their welfare and ensure the animal is safe and cared for.

PLEASE: Don’t leave it to someone else. Fill out the form below in confidence. No names will be mentioned.

It was Ed Burke who said –

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing”